Hosted Projects »
The Harkenburg Build Server is home to a variety of projects, all hosted and ran by their own Project Manager. Each project is independent from Harkenburg, the only commonality between all of them is that they are hosted on the same Harkenburg Build Server.
The Loop - Chicago Project
Started in 2016 and lead by Aa60665, this is a 1:1 scale replica of the infamous Chicago "Loop" recreated at a 1:1 scale in Minecraft.
Warwick Project
[ details here ]
Charleston Replica
Ran by hypochuck, this replica of the most visited city in South Carolina captures its historic charm at a 1:1 scale.
Bluffton Project
Bluffton, a fictional city ran by Juniper23, is a midwestern based large city, built at a 1:1 scale.
Toronto Replica
Managed by Cooth, this project takes a fresh stance on replicating the city of Toronto, Ontario, Canada using a 1:1 scale.
Server Information »
The Harkenburg Build Server has taken many forms over the years. In 2016, it was self-hosted by Bbubblegum, as a joint server for a few city projects, of which Harkenburg was part of. In 2017, Harkenburg became a part of the Tri-City-Server, which was self-hosted by NJDaeger.
In early 2018, Bluecolty began a hosting plan with This self hosting plan allowed him to return the hosting favor back to several who did the same to him in the past. This small 6GB RAM server quickly reached capacity though and became constricted.
As 2020 rolled around, what was finally known as the Harkenburg Build Server was transferred to a dedicated remote machine, rented from the UK based Chugging along on an Intel Core i7-4790K and 32GB of DDR3 RAM, this provided plenty of resources for the Harkenburg Build Server to expand and start hosting several more projects. A year later, the server was upgraded to an Intel Core i7-8700K and 32GB of DDR4 RAM, providing a significant uplift in performance.
Late 2023 saw the start of the first dedicated self-hosted chapter of Harkenburg Build Server's history. Self hosted by Bluecolty on a 2018 Mac mini, self hosting brought several server benefits as well as a significant long term cost saving benefit.
Server Hardware »
The Harkenburg Build Server is self hosted by Bluecolty on a 2018 Apple Mac mini! Why a Mac mini? They're small, energy efficient, and affordable for the specs. It made a perfect replacement for the dedicated server that was once rented. MacOS is a UNIX based system, which makes for a surprisingly Linux compatible experience.
This Mac mini also runs several other unrelated servers, utilizing much of the available hardware.